The Mission of the Aviation Planning, Land Use Compatibility and Grants Administration Division is as follows:

To plan for the timely and cost effective near, intermediate and long term improvement of the Miami-Dade County Airports to accommodate forecast aviation demand activity levels and meet changing market conditions, while assuring the preservation and protection of the airports systems capacity and meeting community needs by identifying and evaluating customer level of service needs, formulating alternative solutions, recommending and initiating programs, and interfacing with federal, state and local agencies for airport plan approvals, land-use and airspace compatibility and securing grant funds.

Should you have any questions please contact Mr. Ammad Riaz, Chief of Aviation Planning, at 305-876-7036 or at  For a complete list of fees, please see the PDF below.

For additional information e-mail us.


Airport Height And Land Use Zoning


Contact Information


Fees & Forms

