The mission of the Facilities Development Division is to provide planning, design, procurement, construction and environmental services to our external and internal customers. Prepare and support the Miami-Dade Aviation Department (MDAD) to achieve departmental goals, serve the flying public and develop eco-friendly, sustainable and maintainable facilities.

MIA Facilities Development Collage Image

The Division is responsible for the management of the Planning, Design, Bid & Award and Construction of the Aviation Department’s projects including the redevelopment and expansion of the terminal. The Division also manages the operation and capacity of the domestic water supply, the sewerage system the storm water system, aviation fuel system and the environmental footprint of MDAD. To meet the traffic growth at Miami International Airport (MIA) and General Aviation Airports (GAA), MDAD regularly expands and renovates its terminal, concourses, cargo handling facilities, runways, taxiways, parking, ground transportation, and connections to highways.

The management responsibilities are divided among three Divisions as follows:

  1. Aviation Planning Division:  Responsible for all planning functions of the aviation department as well as the management of grants to fund projects throughout the system. 
  2. Facilities Design and Facilities Construction Sections: Responsible for the management of projects during the design and construction phase, starting from the planning book until construction completion, occupancy and transition of completed facilities to MDAD Properties and Maintenance Divisions.
  3. Civil/Environmental Division: Responsible for all civil engineering needs such as water and sewerage system, storm water drainage, pavement management, environmental footprint, aviation fuel systems and contamination remediation.

The Assistant Aviation Director of the Facilities Development Division, the Division Directors and Section Chiefs are responsible for the planning of projects, development of policies, procedures, design guidelines, project management documents, space/furniture standards, to ensure completion of our projects on schedule, within budget, at optimum level of quality within the prescribed standards in an efficient and effective manner.  


The Mission of the Aviation Planning, Land Use Compatibility and Grants Administration Division is as follows:

To plan for the timely and cost effective near, intermediate and long term improvement of the Miami-Dade County Airports to accommodate forecast aviation demand activity levels and meet changing market conditions, while assuring the preservation and protection of the airports systems capacity and meeting community needs by identifying and evaluating customer level of service needs, formulating alternative solutions, recommending and initiating programs, and interfacing with federal, state and local agencies for airport plan approvals, land-use and airspace compatibility and securing grant funds.

MIA Aerial Photo

Contact Information:

Aviation Planning, Land Use Compatibility & Grants Administration Division Staff

For a complete list of fees, please see the PDF below.


Airport Master Plans


Airport Height And Land Use Zoning


Contact Information


Fees & Forms





Environmental Division

The Miami-Dade Aviation Department (MDAD) is committed to conducting its operations in an environmental responsible manner pursuant to our Environmental Policy.  Our goal is to provide efficient aviation services while striving to achieve the highest environmental quality for air, soil, and water.

In addition to our economic contributions to the community, we want to inform our stakeholders (passengers, customers, business partners, employees, regulators, the community at large, etc.) about our commitment to operate MIA in an environmentally responsible manner.  The brochure below provides the reader a glimpse at some of the environmental achievements at MIA in recent years.


In order to support that goal the Civil Environmental Engineering Division has developed an Environmental Management Systems (EMS) as a part of the requirements of the ISO 14001. The following units are already Registered to ISO 14001:

The Environmental Division is composed of five distinct but inter-related sections:

Airport Civil Engineering - Develops standards, specifications, and construction quality assurance programs for MIA's infrastructures.

Asbestos Compliance - Manages the Asbestos Abatement and Compliance Program.

Environmental Engineering - Responsible for assessment, remediation, and overall environmental compliance and training activities.

Fuel System Administration - Oversees Management Agreement fuel storage/distribution. As part of the Alternative Fuel Master Plan we have developed the following study:

Find out what is Your Environmental Footprint

In case of an environmental emergency, call:
MDAD Control Room 305-876-0385
Fire: 305-876-7070
Police 305-876-7373
DERM: 305-372-6955

Learn More: DEP Consent Order

For more information about our environmental activities at MIA,

contact: Ramiro Gonzalez
Phone: 305-876-0268


Environmental Pollution Prevention

This Pollution Prevention Pack Series is designed to help business, contractors and employees at MIA put effective pollution prevention measures into practice. Reducing waste and pollution risk, saves money by reducing operating costs. Organizations that have a “green” image are at a competitive advantage, which is important in today’s economic climate.


Environmental Response Activities

The Miami-Dade County Aviation Department (MDAD) has developed this Community Relations Plan (CRP) for environmental response activities involving contamination at Miami International Airport (MIA). MDAD is conducting activities at this site under the requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 USC §§ 9601 et seq., and the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), 40 CFR Part 300. The NCP was developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pursuant to CERCLA requirements.

This CRP is designed to foster community involvement and facilitate communication between MDAD and interested community members. It reflects MDAD’s commitment to address the concerns of local residents, community groups, public officials, and other interested parties related to the environmental cleanup at MIA.

Learn more...

Miami International Airport’s Community Relations Plan explains the responsibilities of the Miami-Dade County Aviation Department in regards to notifying the community of and providing opportunities for the community to comment on environmental cleanup activities.

The Public Record Access Protocol, which is based on Chapter 119 Florida Statutes, explains the procedures that shall be followed to gain access to public documents related to environmental cleanup activities at Miami International Airport. The first step in the process is to fill out the Records Request Form and mail or fax it to the Miami-Dade County Aviation Department.

Records Request Form, a completed  form is required and is the first step in the process.

The address where the Records Request Form should be mailed or faxed:

P.O. BOX 025504
MIAMI, FL 33102-5504

Fax 305-876-0601

The address for any Environmental information:

4200 NW 36 STREET

Mailing Address:

P.O. BOX 025504
MIAMI, FL 33102-5504


The Aviation Design Section oversees the design of all MDAD Facilities at MIA and GAA. Employees in this section have specialized training in various engineering and architecture disciplines as well as construction and contract management. Oversee the development of construction documents from programming and preliminary design to approved construction permit set(s) for the construction of buildings and ancillary facilities.

MIA Aerial View




The Construction Section is responsible for interacting with architects, engineers, regulatory agencies, consultants, contractors and other airport stake holders during the bid, award and construction phases of projects once transferred from the Design Section or as otherwise directed by MDAD. Projects include capital construction, facilities improvements, limited scope repairs and renovations, as well as tenant airport construction projects at MIA and GAA.

MIA North Terminal Interior